Oct 14, 2021
'Full 48 minutes intense cardio dance fitness workout. There will be jumps throughout this video. You know your body best. If the jumps are too much or uncomfortable, please just do the arm movements without the jumps. The moves can always be modified. Please do it at an intensity level that best fits. Happy sweating ❤️ I do not own rights to this song, and copyright infringement is not intended. The purpose of this video is for education and entertainment purposes only. Please hit like if you like what you see. Subscribe to my YouTube channel if you loved it and had a sweaty workout ! Follow me : Facebook: @https://www.facebook.com/tina.wu.18659 Instagram: @https://www.instagram.com/tinawu117 Tiktok: @https://Tiktok.com/@tinawudance #zumba #zumbafitness #zin #cardiodance #hiitdance #dancefitness #fullworkout #virtualliveclass #virtualclass #zincommunity #zumbadance #dance #zumbalove #workout #fitness #zumbaclass #zumbachoreo #zumbachoreos #zumbainstructor #baile #zumbavirtual #virtualclasses #cardio #exercise'See also: